Solution Graphics

Our Mission

Atlanta Spice blog is a platform for reference, referral and internet marketing . We are designed to enhance business structures and entreprenuers with elegance to provide a mesmoric keepsake item for any event.
Atlanta Urban Spice provides: “Personalized Entertainment Essentials”

Our personalized glassware are perfect for weddings, bachelor parties, anniversaries and much much more! Additionally, gives clients V.I.P treatment and opportunity to cherish and create a personalized keep sake item for themselves and attendees. For wedding planners,the opportunity to offer visiting guest a personalized wedding favor and create referral base for you! Whether you provide services locally or out of state this is a hot item many brides would love to have! If you are a employer or club owner, not only is this a great marketing and promotional tool for your hard work and patience, but most importantly a memory to last a lifetime.

Therefore, our purpose is to enhance your elegance! A.U.S can provide and prove a successful outcome for your business which we have provided for others. To schedule an appointment to speak further with us please fill out our [Contact Form]

Signature sets are engraved with a traditional silver color/"Satin Frost" and are great for gifts!

Item's are available a la carte

(i.e 50 Champagne Flutes +Shipping & Handling)

To request more information [click here]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Prepare yourself from bad credit

PB Visa Gold Credit Card

By Ramon Johnson
Protecting yourself financially doesn't mean you're being mistrustful of your partner. Trust has nothing to do with it. Credit can take years to repair and the damage is often emotionally and financially devastating. Even if you can't imagine being without him and feel your relationship is going to last forever, think of your financial goals ten years from now and the possibility that he may not be around. By protecting your credit you secure your own future and the stability of your relationship. Heed these financial mistakes that can lead to personal ruin at the end of a relationship:

Sure you love them, but don't be quick to sign a lease or secure a mortgage until you've discussed financially responsibility. The discussion should extend beyond whether your combined resources will cover the payments.

Never co-sign on a loan with a term that is longer than you've been together or longer than you've known the person. You've been dating for a year, but who knows what may happen at the end of your 48 month loan term.

Credit Cards
Credit cards are like the drugs of personal finances. They are oh so tempting. After all, the credit is great and you only have to pay the minimum balance every month. It eventually catches up with you, though, and you have nothing to show for it. What the credit card companies don't tell you is that by paying only the minimum balance (even at a reasonable interest rate) it could take over 40 years to pay off.

Joint Bank Accounts
Share the household expenses, but keep separate personal bank accounts. Create a joint account where you both can deposit money for shared bills and incidentals. Come to a mutual agreement about the rules for use of the account.

Bad Credit
If you or he has bad credit make sure it's being actively repaired. Don't let the financial future of your partnership fall squarely on one person's shoulders. Should you distrust someone with bad credit? Not particularly. With the rising number of college grads leaving campus already in a credit hole, the "perfect" credit candidate pool is getting smaller and smaller. Also, people make mistakes and credit mistakes can take years (even decades) to repair. Bad credit isn't a plague that you should avoid. However, a person with bad credit and a nonchalant attitude is another story. Don't let him take you down by repeating the same mistakes over again. If you can't afford a purchase or a loan on your own, then don't co-sign or secure it in your name only.
[Read More about Credit Repair]

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