Our personalized glassware are perfect for weddings, bachelor parties, anniversaries and much much more! Additionally, gives clients V.I.P treatment and opportunity to cherish and create a personalized keep sake item for themselves and attendees. For wedding planners,the opportunity to offer visiting guest a personalized wedding favor and create referral base for you! Whether you provide services locally or out of state this is a hot item many brides would love to have! If you are a employer or club owner, not only is this a great marketing and promotional tool for your hard work and patience, but most importantly a memory to last a lifetime.
Therefore, our purpose is to enhance your elegance! A.U.S can provide and prove a successful outcome for your business which we have provided for others. To schedule an appointment to speak further with us please fill out our [Contact Form]
Signature sets are engraved with a traditional silver color/"Satin Frost" and are great for gifts!
Item's are available a la carte
(i.e 50 Champagne Flutes +Shipping & Handling)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wedding Day Butterflies
Everyone gets nervous on their wedding day. It is only natural to go through this experience and to feel a nauseating knot build up in the pit of your stomach as you contemplate the walk down the aisle or the wait at the aisle as your bride arrives. Unfortunately, the happiest days of your life are often fraught with such anxiety. But rather than give in, there are a few things you can do to keep your nerves under control and carry on with your wedding ceremony without giving in to your nerves.
Get a good night's rest
The night before the wedding can be the most unbearable time of all as you anticiapte the next day and how it will turn out. Even well matched couples who are deeply in love may start to have doubts and wonder, "Am I doing the right thing? What if I let him/her down?" Do not take this to mean that you should call off the wedding altogether. It is a natural part of the wedding process. The feelings will usually subside. If they don't, then you will have to make an honest self-examination. The best thing you can do is to get a good night's rest the day before the wedding, rather than allow yourself extra time to brood and think up even more reasons not to get married.
Practice run
If at all possible, arrange to have a practice run of the wedding ceremony a few days prior to the wedding. This will allow you the opportunity to practice walking down the aisle, you will have an idea of where everyone will be sitting and you will know how far to walk to. Nerves are often a symptom of a fear of the unknown. But if you have a clear idea of how the ceremony will be conducted, then you are less likely to be plagued with such feelings on the day of your wedding.
Think positively